Woman & Wolf is a line of wild-crafted body, mind, and soul care. I create each product with healing intentions and sustainably harvested ingredients, sourced in Oregon. I grow a lot in my garden here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and believe in the power of plants. When crafting my recipes, I put a lot of emphasis on making products like our ancestors would have. Simple and straight-up natural. 


After facing my own battles with ADHD, Post Partum depression, and crippling anxiety I have come to realize how helpful aromatherapy was. Every time I get a whiff of lavender, lemon balm, or the miraculous antique roses climbing my barn, I feel instantly grounded in the moment. Even if it doesn’t take all my problems away, the rich smells of plants encourage me to take a deep breath and be fully present. So in essence, this is how Woman & Wolf was born. It is my way of sharing presence and a moment of peace with the world. Let’s live in each moment and spread kindness wherever we are, whether it is sitting in traffic, trying to rationalize with a two year old, an impossible boss, or just because there is no other place than now.


My journey to a healthy body and mind has brought awareness to what I put in my body, but also what I put on my body’s largest organ- my skin. After years of going cross-eyed reading labels with unfamiliar and unpronounceable ingredients I decided that if I can grow and make my own food, then surely I could make my own skin products. I have created a line of essential life gems that everyone should have on hand. The idea of Woman & Wolf infused products quickly expanded into balms, butters, and infused oils. 


Simply put, this is my humble way of making the world a little bit better.


From my heart to yours, 
